Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
Reading Stone Fox
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Featured Blogger: Abby |
Hi my name is Abigail Homer and I’m in 3sp and in reading we are reading Stone Fox.
And what happened was ……
First little Willy and grandfather are the main characters. grandfather gets sick and the farm is almost ready to harvest, so little willy does the farm by himself. ( they grow potatoes) Next little Willy finds they have no money and grandfather might die. Then this man showed up at their house and said that they need to pay taxes ($500) or they have to sell the farm and everyone said to sell the farm, but little Willy doesn’t know what to do. A little later Little Willy finds a poster about a dog sled race and Searchlight and little Willy are really good at dog sled races. And this year it just is $500. So little Willy signed up. When he was going out of the building he saw Stone Fox. He's going to be facing him in the race with him (Stone Fox did not speak). That night it happened, Grandfather was out of medicine. Little Willy went to tell Doc Smith. She said go see Lester (the storekeeper). When Little Willy got there he knocked and Lester came out and gave Willy the medicine. Get ready to be shocked if you read the end! My class read the book at snack time and for read aloud and we really liked it!
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The Pilgrims
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Featured Blogger: Arnav |
Hi, I’m Arnav, and I’m doing a blog on the Pilgrims. In our Pilgrim unit we have been using/reading books, stations, and workbooks to learn all about the Pilgrims. And because we have been using so many tools we have learned a lot about them after only 2 days.
We've learned that the Pilgrims went on a long journey to the new world because the King of England was treating them very badly. They spent many years finding a boat to hold all of them to travel to the new world in only one trip. Finally after many years they found a boat called the Speedwell. But after a few days they had realized that the Speedwell could not hold everybody so they had to search for a new boat.
Finally after many months they found a ship called The Mayflower. The Mayflower was only meant to carry stuff like clothes and lumber but it could hold people too. The Mayflower was so big that the people who built the Mayflower told the Pilgrims that they had to work for them for 7 years to pay a ride on it. The Pilgrims did not agree, but that was the only way to make it to the new world. Many of the people thought that the Mayflower was not going to be sturdy enough to hold 132 people because it was only meant to carry clothes and lumber. But then they realized that all the clothes and lumber had weighed almost as much as all the Pilgrims did so they got their confidence back and sailed on the Mayflower. The voyage lasted one month. Many of the Pilgrims were hungry, there was very very little food so the Pilgrims could only eat a little bit each day. After a month and a half the Pilgrims ran out of food. So they had to eat a hard biscuit that the Captains called Hardtack. They ate for a month a half and then they reached the New World. First, they explored the New World. Everything was good at first, but then they met a group of people called the Wampanoags. The Pilgrims got very very mad but they realized that the natives had so much corn so the Pilgrims planned to steal it. First, they built a house. Then they gathered up metal, quiet shoes for spying, and wood to hide under so they could steal the corn more easily. After a few days they were ready to go on the mission. They ran back to their house. After a long spy mission, they gobbled up all the corn as fast as they could. When the Wampanoag woke up they realized that they didn't have any corn so they walked around their place and they found the Pilgrims. The Native Americans were mad, but they were also worried at the same time. Why? Because they knew the Pilgrims had guns. That scared the Wampanoags. Because they thought the guns were very very dangerous. But they still got into a very big fight that lasted 4 days. The Wampanoag had won!!!!!!!! Then the Pilgrims admitted that they had stolen their corn and paid them back for the corn. After that, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people were good friends. They gave each other food, and they helped build each other's houses. If one of their houses fell down they would help each other fix it. They hunted together, they shared all of their festivals, they shared in their beliefs and they did a lot of other stuff together too. It is so amazing how the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people became such good friends just by a corn mission.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
First Assembly
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Featured Blogger: Reese |
Hi my name is Reese I’m in 3Sp.
My first assembly was my second year with a new princabull. My first assembly this year was my favorite assembly because we learned new songs. I thot it was neet because the hole school came together again. I was so happy and excited we sang like 100 songs or at least it felt like 100. One of the new songs we learned is the “Lilja School Song” by Mrs. Diane Giangrande and Ms. Kelli Connelly. We also learned “Watch Me” by Ms.Connelly’s friend. We had so much fun.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Wampanoag Research
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Featured Blogger: Ariana |
We have been doing research on Wampanoags about what their culture was like. We each have stations with different folders that had stuff like food children and clothing in them. We each got to choose a station we wanted to research. We each got research notebooks so we could record our research. So far I have done children, spirits, and leaders. I have also done others. We are finishing our notebooks soon. Thank you for reading my blog.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
When Mr. Stefanowicz Came
I am blogging about when Mr. Stefanowicz came. Mr. Stefanowicz came to our class to do coding. There was 4 different activities. One activity was we made bracelets with black and white beads to write things in mores code. Another activity was cracking some codes like number codes and some other codes. Another activity was Mr. Stefanowicz brought little robots. If you draw a line it would follow the line. The last activity was there was a robot as big as my fist! You can program it by using the buttons on the back. Mr Stefanowicz is the Digital Learning coach for all elementary schools in Natick. If you go to an elementary school in Natick I hope he comes to your school!
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
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Featured Blogger: Brayden |
Hi I am Brayden,
I am blogging about Frindle. Frindle is one of the most best books. It’s about a red head boy named Nick who is a troublemaker. Nick made up a new word called Frindle and that word spreads around the world and he cant stop it. In the book frindle means pen. That's why I am blogging about Frindle. Just telling you it’s a book if I didn't tell you that already. I recommend Frindle it is one of my favorite books. I want you to read it if you haven't read it.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Bye Nurse Rahn
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Featured Blogger: Keith |
Pollinator Projects
Featured Blogger: Zoey |
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
STEM Challenge
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Featured Blogger: Kyle |
This is me and my group testing our umbrella. |
Monday, June 11, 2018
3Sp Research Extension Project
Featured Blogger: Sammy |
In writing and reading, 3Sp students have been working on research extension projects which is when we could pick a informational topic that we could research on. For example, I chose dogs, Nathaniel chose Jackie Robinson, and Colin chose Paul Revere and so on and so forth. We had to find at least 2 books on that topic. After or before you had found your 2 books, you would go to the school library and find more books for your topic. After you got as much books as you need, you would start reading. After you’re done reading your books, you start taking notes. After you’re done taking notes, you start making your presentation. Here is the title slide of my presentation:
After that, you would check with a partner. For example, me and Nathaniel both checked each others projects. Now, believe it or not, you just wait. You wait until Ms. Sprague calls your name to check your work. After you and Ms. Sprague check, you are officially done!!! Now that you know all about research extension projects, I encourage you to do one at your house. See you later on the 3Sp blog!!!
KG Buddies in the Garden
Featured Blogger: Nathaniel |
Hello, my name is Nathaniel and I am going to tell you about our KG buddies in the 3-4 garden. When we were in the garden you and your buddy looked around and if you found something interesting you would draw it on a paper. I drew a mini tipi. A tipi is a structure that native americans lived in. I saw a lot of papers and they all were good third grade or not. First when we started drawing we drew in pencil. Next when we were done we colored in what we drew. Finally when everybody was done you and your buddie got to play on the playground. It was a really, really fun way to spent time with your KG buddie. Thanks for reading my blog about KG buddies in the garden. We will see you next time.
Friday, June 8, 2018
3Sp Shared at Assembly
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Featured Blogger: Marley |
(warning: running out of title ideas)
Hi! It’s so nice to see you again! Its me, Marley! Remember? Yay! Ok, today I will be talking to you about how me and everyone else in 3Sp shared at our latest assembly! As you probably remember (which you don’t), we recently (in late May) had an assembly in the gym, in which 3Sp shared our colonial newspapers. What are the colonial newspapers that we wrote? Results of a time machine, perchance? Well, that answer sure is wrong! We studied and wrote them ourselves! How were we organized? Well, there was the walkers (the people who stood up and walked around the gym to show the newspapers), and the talkers ((haha, it rhymes) the people who talked about our colonial newspapers.) Walkers, talkers, walkers, talkers… ok, I’m getting off task, what was was I saying? Oh, yes, right, well, ummm... I guess I’ll see you later… so… bye!
These are pictures from the assembly.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Cultural Arts Assembly
Featured Blogger: Enzo |
The first thing that happened was a guy was on the stage and pretending to be a mime. He also was pretending to be trapped in a box. At the beginning of the play there was a rich guy and all he cared about was his money. And one day his heart turned to glass and he went to a witch. And the witch made him a real human heart.
The second play is where a kid is trying to put a boat in the water. It was foggy out and the kid kept tugging and tugging. When the fog went away he realized he was hitting a rock.
The third play was my favorite play! On the hills of Japan there was a village and right next to the village was a river. There was a never ending food supply because if you put sand in a bowl you will get a fruit or rice. The village was really wealthy. And the river you could have never-ending water. If you drink water from a bowl it will fill up again.
I hope you liked it!
This is a picture of the first play. |
Restaurant Project
Featured Blogger: Nicky |
Hi my name is Nicky, from 3sp.
In math, my class and I worked on and finished a Restaurant Project. We are at the step of advertising. Advertising is spreading the word about something that is important to you. I will tell you the steps of the project:
- First, our groups came up with a name for our restaurant.
- Then, we came up with a logo; a picture or motto that represents our restaurant.
- After that, we make a blueprint for our restaurant. A blueprint is a sketch map of our building. In the blueprint we draw rooms, tables, chairs, or any other things we need.
- We measured the perimeter and area of our restaurant, and used it to multiply and come up with a cost for the whole building.
- Next, we measured the different rooms in the restaurant, and came up with a cost the same way we did with the area and perimeter.
- Then, we added color and detail to our blueprint, and came up with a cost for it.
- After that, we wrote a handwritten or typed a menu, (with drinks, main courses, etc.) and once it was printed, we made pictures to go with the menu items.
- Finally, we made a creative way to spread the word about our restaurant. You could do a green screen video, a neat blueprint, a 3D model, a written response about our restaurant, or a slideshow.
Me and my group worked really hard on this project! It was hard at some points, but we feel so accomplished that we finished and that we made a restaurant!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 1, 2018
The Multicultural Assembly
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Featured Blogger: Sarah |
The Multicultural Assembly is an assembly that the third graders put on for the whole school and the parents that want to come. So that ment this year WE get to do it this year. So if you went to the play you got to see us perform.
There were three scenes. The first one was 3N the second one was 3Sp and the third one was 3S. We were in the 2nd scene, and these were our parts:
Danielle = Narrator & Lantern, Zoey = Lantern, Colin = Tech, Sarah/me = Wall Crane, Molly = Narrator, Nathaniel = City Folk, Jake = Tech, Nicky = City Folk, Gabe = Narrator, Serenity = Wall Crane, James = Narrator, Sam = Wang, Kyle = City Folk, Keith = Musician, Ema = City folk, Nora = Beggar, Fiona = Wall Crane, Eamonn = lantern, Katherine = Narrator, Marley = Narrator, Audrey = Tain, Enzo = City Folk.
Now I hope you are excited to know the story of The Lord Of The Cranes. I will not tell you the whole story this is just a summery. Once there was a very happy man named Tain witch means heaven. That man had cranes that would do anything for him that is why he was the Lord Of The Cranes. One day he wanted to see what happens in the world below. So the old man went on top of a crane and flew down to the city. On the way he found a beggar and he ask him “would you be able to exchange your clothes with mine.” So like I said I’m NOT going to go into the details right now my job is to get you into the book so the book sellers get money. So Tain and the beggar traded clothes and Tain went begging in the city and no one noticed him (you get the trend). Then one day Tain spied a small inn and asked for something to eat and drink but he had no money to pay. Then the innkeeper gave him some dumplings and rice wine. The innkeeper didn’t mind that Tain didn’t have the money. Then the innkeeper let Tain come every day to get some food and drink. Then he wanted to repay him so…
I’m going to stop there so you don’t know the whole book before you buy it. All of the third graders did a great job!!! It was really fun to do the Multicultural Assembly and I KNOW your kids will say the same. And don't forget Eddie/my dad as our filmer. But time to wrap this up.
Have fun watching the Multicultural Assembly and don’t forget to read all the other blog posts and always be happy. :)
Writer: Sarah Close 3Sp
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Research Clubs
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Featured Blogger: Fiona |
Now I am going to ask some questions to my friend in 3Sp, Zoey!
Key: Me=Blue
So what do you think about the research clubs, Zoey?
They are very fun!!!!
Do you think they helped you learn a little, a lot, or none?
Well, some things I already knew, and some things I never had heard of!!!
Are you glad you did it?
Yes I am very glad!! I loved it!!!
Do you think Ms. Sprague made it fun?
Yes. I think she made it very fun!! I loved it and I am looking forward to presenting it!!!
How are you going to present your work Zoey?
Well I think I might do a slideshow.
Cool! That’s what I did!!! OK folks!! That was our interview! Thanks Zoey!!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2018
The Amazing Multicultural Assembly!
Featured Blogger: Serenity |
Hello my name is Serenity and I will be talking to you about the third grade Lilja Multicultural Assembly!
I’m in third grade so I have a lot of experience with what my fellow third graders and I have to do to get ready for this. So you’re coming with me on a adventure behind the scenes!
For rehearsals, we have to be QUIET the whole entire time we are there. This theme is, China! In the play, third graders in library read a book about the theme (China, Persia etc.). Third grade Lilja Lions do this every year and always do different cultures. The book we read in library was “The Lord Of The Cranes” So basically there are three cranes and there is a lord of them and his name is Tian!
Since I’m taking you BEHIND the scenes, the tech is technically doing all the work. But since I’m a crane I actually help change the scenes. If you don’t get what I am saying, I’m going to explain it right now! In one of the scenes, I come out of a wall, like a crane in the story, and dance to Tian’s (lord of cranes) song!
I hope you liked reading my blog post about…
The Multicultural Assembly!
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Exceptional Effort Jar
Featured Blogger: Katherine |
Book Bracket
Featured Blogger: Colin |
This is a picture of the book bracket when it just started. |
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Paul Revere House Visit
Featured Blogger: Gabe |
This is a picture of the class with the props we were using during the role plays. |
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Lilja MCAS
Featured Blogger: Sammy |
Hi, my name is Sammy Rochwerger and I’m here to tell you about the amazing Lilja MCAS! First let me tell you what MCAS is. MCAS is a test that everyone is tested around the whole state of Massachusetts! And guess what, they even do it around the whole country! MCAS starts in third grade. In third and fourth grade, you have two weeks. One for ELA (English Language Arts), and one for Math. In middle school, you have three weeks. One for ELA, one for Math, and one for Science.
You have two days per week, Monday and Tuesday for each subject. For the reading week, you have to read a two stories, and for each story you will answer questions for both stories. For each story, you will have to answer an open-response question, which is a question where you have to type your answer instead of touching A. B. C. or D. In math, the computer gives a question that has to do with math. But not all of the math questions are like 6x8=48.
Now that you know a lot about MCAS, I hope when you go into third grade, you will be excited for taking the MCAS test. See you later!!!
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