Frequently Asked Questions

What time does school start and end?
Arrival begins at 8:20am, and students must be in their classrooms by 8:30am.  School is dismissed at 2:56pm.  On early release days, school ends at 12:15pm.

What should I do if my student will be absent from school? 
To report your student's absence, please call the Nurse's office directly and leave a message: 508-647-6571.  Nurse Naser will call you if she does not hear from you about your student's absence.  Please plan ahead and alert her (email:; phone: 508-647-6571) as soon as you know your student will be absent.  

What is Lilja's dismissal policy?
Please make your arrangements before school and update Pick-Up Patrol indicating the dismissal change with your student.  The main office is unable to take dismissal changes over the phone unless it is an emergency. 

What supplies should I buy for the classroom?
Lilja provides most of the school supplies we need, but 3M always appreciates donations of tissues, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer.  Especially during cold and flu season!

Besides the blog, how else can I find out about what's going on in 3M?
Approximately once per week you will receive an email update from me.  I'll keep you informed about what students are learning, alert you to upcoming events, and share updates to our website.