Featured Blogger: Enzo |
The first thing that happened was a guy was on the stage and pretending to be a mime. He also was pretending to be trapped in a box. At the beginning of the play there was a rich guy and all he cared about was his money. And one day his heart turned to glass and he went to a witch. And the witch made him a real human heart.
The second play is where a kid is trying to put a boat in the water. It was foggy out and the kid kept tugging and tugging. When the fog went away he realized he was hitting a rock.
The third play was my favorite play! On the hills of Japan there was a village and right next to the village was a river. There was a never ending food supply because if you put sand in a bowl you will get a fruit or rice. The village was really wealthy. And the river you could have never-ending water. If you drink water from a bowl it will fill up again.
I hope you liked it!
This is a picture of the first play. |