Featured Blogger: Serenity |
Hello my name is Serenity and I will be talking to you about the third grade Lilja Multicultural Assembly!
I’m in third grade so I have a lot of experience with what my fellow third graders and I have to do to get ready for this. So you’re coming with me on a adventure behind the scenes!
For rehearsals, we have to be QUIET the whole entire time we are there. This theme is, China! In the play, third graders in library read a book about the theme (China, Persia etc.). Third grade Lilja Lions do this every year and always do different cultures. The book we read in library was “The Lord Of The Cranes” So basically there are three cranes and there is a lord of them and his name is Tian!
Since I’m taking you BEHIND the scenes, the tech is technically doing all the work. But since I’m a crane I actually help change the scenes. If you don’t get what I am saying, I’m going to explain it right now! In one of the scenes, I come out of a wall, like a crane in the story, and dance to Tian’s (lord of cranes) song!
I hope you liked reading my blog post about…
The Multicultural Assembly!