Featured Blogger: Tess |
Making up new words sounds impossible! Not to Nick Allan! Hi. My name is Tess Berman, and I am going to tell you about the time me and my class read Frindle by Andrew Clements. It all started out when Nick was turning his classroom into a tropical paradise! I know! It sounds crazy and troublesome, but he did it! And his teacher was okay with it! She started to teach the girls in the class the hula!!!!!!!!!
Nick made a volleyball net out of shirts and sprinkled sand on the floor! He is a troublemaker!!!!!! Sure you think that he went to detention a couple of times or went to the principal's office but no! He got away with it! He got away with it every single time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s because Nick was smart, very smart. So smart, he made his teacher think that his friend Janet made a bird sound when he was doing it instead! Now Nick is in 5th grade and this is the year to get ready for middle school because it was the year of 1989! Back then, elementary school was kindergarden to 5th grade so middle school started in 6th grade. He had two teachers for each class, except for seventh period language arts, with Ms. Granger AKA the lone Granger. Big deal, hard homework, mean teacher. Nick and Janet missed the bus because of school newspaper meeting, so they walked home from school and they were trying to walk and stay on the curb! It was hard!!!! Janet stomped off of the curb and Nick said “HA! Twenty points for me!” But she said “No! I did it on purpose! I saw something! Look!”
She was right. There was a golden ball point pen on the side of the road. A couple minutes later she dropped it and Nick picked it up and said “Here is your...FRINDLE!” A what? A frindle! It all sounded crazy but it really happened! Well in the book of course!
The next day after school, Nick, Janet, and a bunch of other 5th grade kids, met at Nick’s house to sign an oath. It said “From now on I will only use the word Frindle and I will do everything so others will use it to.” And then all of them signed the oath with Nick’s Frindle, and that was it! The next day, Nick went to the penny pantry, his favorite store, and he asked the woman behind the counter to get him “a Frindle, a black one.” She had no idea what he was talking about. Then he pointed to the rack of pens next to her and she gave him a black one and as he walked out of the store he gave her a grin and she gave him a weird look but he was already gone. Six days later Janet came in to penny pantry and asked the same woman behind the counter to give her a Frindle and before Janet six other boys went to the same store, and asked the same women for a Frindle, and that is why she gave Janet one before she even finished her sentence! And as she walked out the door, she gave the women the same look that Nick gave to her when he was leaving the store and the women gave Janet the same weird look but still Janite was already out the door. And then, snack ended so we stopped reading!
So the next day we found our space in the book and we jumped right in! So we're in the book again so now we got to the point where it was school picture day and all of the 5th graders took their individual pictures and they were about to take a group picture and when the photographer took the picture all of the kids said something that made their faces all have the same expression and it was like they were all saying the “L” sound you know what they said. They said FRINDLE!!!!!!!!!! The photographer was out of film so that was the only picture they could get. Ms Granger was furious because the 5th graders messed up picture day. She stapled a sign on the bulletin board next to the office that said “anyone who says the word Frindle will have to write this sentence 100 times. I am writing this punishment with a pen.”
So after that, a lot of things happened because of Nick’s word. A reporter came, the principal came to Nick’s house, he went on to many TV shows, and he got an interview. But it was at his house! So after that the whole thing settled down, but on the sign that said that you have entered the town, it said “Home of the original Frindle” and they were right!
Ten years later Nick was a junior in college and I can’t tell you what happened. You’ll just have to read the book to find out! I have had a lot of fun spending time with you! I don’t know when I’m going to see you again. But you can still read other blogs that will be as funny as mine. But you know this is always going to be the most funny blog post you will ever read in your life!