Featured Blogger: Layla |
Hello my name is Layla and I am going to tell you what we are doing in math. We are doing a Restaurant project! We also get to pick our own names for the restaurant with our partners. Then we get to draw a sketch of how the restaurant looks on the inside. We have to do math problems to count the squares because we used graph paper. We had to count the kitchen and the dining space. The last step we had to do to get onto the menu is to remake the sketch but neater with colors. Now we are on to the menu. For the menu you can pick at least 8 items if you want. My group did 9 items for the main part. The menu has a lot of things to do. The last draft was on technology so we had to type and then after we got it checked, our teacher printed the menu so we can do it like a real restaurant. Of course it is not going to be a real restaurant because we can not afford that much money to build it and it is really fun doing the restaurant! My favorite part so far is that we got to write an advertisement so we can make people come to our restaurant! Then we are able to write a check for our restaurant! After we are done with the check, we have to check off things that we finished and if we missed something we would do it. After we are done with that we pick what kind of final project so we can tell about it by creating things. My group did powerpoint. For the powerpoint we used the iPad and the computer. Other ones are commercial: for that one we use the app called green screen, flyer: for the flyer we design a flyer to spread the word so the people could come, model: for the model we use model magic and make the model of the restaurant, and last but not least the powerpoint which I already told you about. These were some things that I told you about in math and I also thought this was really really fun!