Friday, February 10, 2017

The Ultimate Fish!!!

Featured Blogger: Kian
Hello 3SP families you may have heard about our new ULTIMATE fish.  We got him after our old fish Sky died.  Mookie is our new fish.  He moves around a lot.   He is a great fish.  He is the best fish in whole world.  Mookie's color is red.  He is cute as fish go.  I bet you that if you got all the best fish in the whole world and you had a contest to see which fish was the best Mookie would win by a lot.  We all still miss Sky, but we know he is in a better place.  Anyway let me tell you more about Mookie, he eats these little red pebble looking thingies.  I hope you enjoyed hearing about the best fish in the whole wide world!!!!!!!

Mookie at home!