Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wampanoag Visit!

Featured Blogger: Sabrina

In 3Sp we had a Wampanoag man come and see us. His name was Phillip and he brought cool things to our classroom. The first thing that he showed us was animal skins with the fur. First he showed us a deer skin, skunk skin, and beaver skin. Do not worry the skunk skin is not stinky. Then we talked about bows and arrows.  Phillip had a bow made out of wood.  His arrows were made out of wood, feathers, and a type of rock.  Did you know that when they hunted with their bows and arrows they put special designs on the arrows so if the Wampanoags fired their arrows all at once they would know which arrow was theirs because of the special designs!  We learned lots of cool facts!  We also talked about how the Wampanoag tribe make dolls. The dolls were made out of a special type of plant!  It was the best visit ever!

Tale of Despereaux

Featured Blogger: Felitcia
The Tale of Despereaux is one of our favorite books! My teacher loves all of the Kate DiCamillo books. The Tale of Despereaux has 4 parts in it. In the book there is a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread. If you don't think this is interesting you will once you start reading it. The other reason I love the Tale of Despereaux because it says so many funny words and makes me laugh. One of my favorite moments is when Despereaux falls in love with the princess and then his brother finds out, but that’s not all. In the second part you find out some new interesting characters. In the third part there is a sad girl. In the fourth part she wants to be something. I can’t give away the ending!  Please get this book.  We love it!!!!

The Nutcracker

Featured Blogger: Sarah
On Thursday, December 17, 2015, my class went to The Nutcracker. Well actually all the third graders and fourth graders went. But anyway it wasn’t the one in Boston. It was the one in Natick. It was at Walnut Hill. One bus brought us back and forth. We were on the second bus. But let’s get back to the Nutcracker. The curtain looked really cool. It was a picture of a town near the sea. The picture looked like it was night. The moon glowed yellow.

But what you probably didn’t know is that a kid in my class was in the play. Her name is Evie. She played the little boy in purple. It was really fun to see her on stage. But one thing I did not like is that The Nutcracker is not really about the nutcracker. The Nutcracker was still fun though. The actors and actresses did really cool moves. One boy lifted up a girl. They also had very nice costumes. I would like to go again!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sound Experiments

Featured Blogger: Libby

In Science we are doing a Sound Unit. We have done A LOT of experiments. For instance on 12/17/15 we had a partner, and we were assigned a bag full of different things. We needed to drop all of the items on the floor of the hallway.  But there was a twist to it. You couldn't look at what the other person was going to drop, so you had to guess what it was. But the other person had a job too: it was to record your guess by writing a smiley face if they got it right. But if they got it wrong then you would write a frowny face. Then when both of you had a turn to guess we went back in the classroom and did the worksheet on the back. I learned that different things make different sounds. We have done a lot of sound experiments, and they have been really fun!

Penny Collection

Featured Blogger: Mark
Do you know how many pennies 3Sp can collect in 3 days? Well it is right here: we collected 1,732 pennies in 3 days! I’m in 3Sp, when you are in third grade you will do penny collection in math. Also, we beat the last third grade class who was in 3Sp! I hope you love the penny collection when you are in third grade like I do! It's so much fun because you get to do math in math class like, counting how many pennies there in all! Also, you get to learn math while you're bringing pennies! Your goal is to get 1,000 pennies as fast as you can, and you can even get more pennies like we did!  You don't have to bring in pennies, you can bring in different coins like we did!  We started the penny collection December 1, 2015 on a Tuesday and we are still collecting money right now! Also, you can beat the other classes like we did!

We decided to give the money to two organizations who help people who don't have a lot of money like we do. We are giving half of it to the Natick Rotary Club and half to the Natick Service Council. We made our next goal for the penny collection be 4,500 pennies! We now have 3,589 pennies, but we need 821 more pennies until we have 4,500. So, this is the penny collection!!! After you complete the penny collection project, you will be a real mathematician!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ball in the House

Featured Blogger: Nora
On Monday, December 7, 2015 the whole school had an all school assembly. The assembly was an a cappella group. They were really good! They sang “Uptown Funk” and other fun songs. They told us how to write songs and how to beatbox; that was really cool! Their music was awesome!  My favorite song was “Uptown Funk”. They sang a song that one of the men made with his son. It was called the “Boppy Milk Song.” The “Boppy Milk Song” was silly but also cool.  Then two people, one from 3rd grade and the other from 4th grade, went on stage.  They took the microphone and they showed us there beatboxing. It was good! Then they beat boxed together and it was even better than them alone. Then the five men answered 5 questions. Each one answered a question about music. Then they sang one last song before we left. I forget the song but I sure know it was a good one. There were two really surprising guys with a really high voice and one with a really low voice.  

“Now that was the best thing I ever saw,” I said as we walked out of the room. Make sure that you see them in a show... because if you don't you will be missing out on all the awesome songs I just told you about.  You will have to see them in a show to know if you like them. I think you will like them because they sing really good songs.

Learning Cursive

Featured Blogger: Evie
Welcome i’m Evie from 3Sp and this year third graders will be learning cursive! When the third graders got their cursive books in school 3Sp started with the lower case letters. The letters were h,l,e,f,b,k. Ms. Sprague taught us the four lines for cursive: the sky line, the plane line, the grass line, and last but not least the worm line.  After Ms.Sprague taught us that she showed us how to sky write. When you sky write you write in the air. Then we wrote our own letters and we kept doing the same thing over and over again. She said the letters we learn first will be loop letters and the letters h,e,l,f,b, are loop letters. Before we learned up and down letters, we took a break for a few days.  When we started up again we learned the first up and down letter. The letter was i.  We then learned the letters r,j, and p. Cursive is hard at first but after a while it gets easier. Soon third graders will be writing all in cursive but for that we have to learn how to connect the letters!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Lilja's New Gym Floor

Featured Blogger: Cami
 For the last 9 weeks, Lilja School has been taking gym classes outside because the gym has been closed. It has been closed because it was going to get a new and improved floor! The people who designed the floor are: Mr. DeMayo (the gym teacher), Mr. Tagliapietra, and Ms. Smith (the principal).  Now it is open and December 1st was our first time using the new gym! A new and extra thing that the American Flooring Company added is: Lilja Lion paws so we can process the bus line up a little bit better! They designed it very,very well, at least I think so. I think the gym is so, so cool!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Going to Plimoth Plantation

Featured Blogger: Jose
It was a 45 minute ride from Natick to Plimoth. When we got there we had snack in front of Plimoth Plantation, and we also split up into groups. Then we went inside and saw a tour of Plimoth Plantation. After that my group went to the craft center. Then we went to the English village and we saw Pilgrims. After that we went to the Wampanoag village and I saw a Wampanoag making boats out of wood. Then we went behind the entrance for Plimoth Plantation and ate lunch. Then we left. Maybe sometime you could go to Plimoth Plantation and see the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Featured Blogger: David
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had an AWESOME time eating food.  In 3SP we have been learning a lot about the first Thanksgiving and how the Mayflower crossed the ocean.  We also went to Plimoth Plantation with 3N and 3SH and of course 3SP!  We saw the Pilgrims and Wampanoag.

Another thing in 3SP that we did was read a lot about Pilgrims and Wampanoags. I learned a lot about how the first Thanksgiving went and how they hunted and survive.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Making Puzzle Pieces with KH Buddies

Featured Blogger: Nicholas
In 3Sp we got KH buddies and we get to do lots of fun stuff with them. Our teacher brought us to their classroom and paired us up with our buddy. The first time we met with our buddies we made a puzzle piece and we wrote our name in the middle of it.  Then we cut the puzzle piece out and we put a string around it so we could wear it.  Then we put them on so our buddy could know our name and so we could know our buddy’s name.  Then when we were done we read books to our buddies and they told us if they had read it already or if they hadn’t.  I like buddies because we get to a lot of activities with them and it’s fun to do a lot of stuff with them!

Friday, November 20, 2015


Featured Blogger: Nikita

In Gym, we did doublesticks. Doublesticks are two sticks (as mentioned), and a third stick on top of the two other sticks that you are holding. You can do tricks with them, like lift the middle stick into the air by tossing it from stick-to-stick. Also, you can put the middle stick onto the two little sticks, and toss the middle stick into the air and make the middle stick do a flip. There is also a lot of other tricks, but I don’t know them all.  It was fun because there is a lot of different tricks, and you can make-up your own. That’s what we did in Gym.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Playing Recorders

Featured Blogger: Elias
Playing recorders is hard at first but gets easier as you learn more. When you are in third grade, you will learn nine songs and seven notes.  All the students in your classroom will get a recorder. You can get them in multiple colors like: red, blue, green, and white.  Playing recorders is not the easiest thing to do, but you will get the hang of it. 

I love playing the recorder and many of the kids in my class like playing it too. All the third graders in the school will get a recorder until fourth grade. Then you will keep it forever!  Happy playing!

Spooky Stories

Featured Blogger: Ally

A few weeks ago, we did Halloween story problems in math. Ms. Sprague said that we could make up the stories ourselves. Some kids did spooky stories, some did not so spooky stories. Two kids made really hard math stories. Both of them had division! Weeks later, some kids did more stories, other kids did not.  Ms.Sprague made a math book out of all of the math problems. I can’t wait to finish the book!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

3Sp Halloween Party

Featured Blogger: Jason
At the 3Sp Halloween party we made skeletons out of q-tips. We made ghosts out of marshmallows and googly eyes. We also made wreaths. There were word searches. There was food and some candy and some fruit. There was music at the party too. Some student’s parents came too. There are five tables and they had all the crafts. On the other two tables were food and goodie bags. Also we had decorations of course and don't forget about costumes. The last thing I wanted to tell you was the party was a BLAST!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jump Bands

Featured Blogger: Lucas

In gym my class has been working on jump bands. For the first times we did jump bands with only three people. We've been doing different combinations such as out out in in,and run run straddle straddle. On Thursday we did the cross, and ten people were in my group. There was one person behind someone and on the other side too. The people on the outside were doing out out in in. On Friday we played a different game with jump bands, but I forgot what it's called. We were in an x form and we had to jump when they opened their legs. Every time someone jumps in the gap it's a point.  You should try out jump bands someday. Trust me they are very fun!

Morning Greeting

Featured Blogger: David

The morning greeting is when we all say a greeting in a different language every week. We pick our greetings from our relatives. Last week our greeting was "ahn-nyong-ha-se-yo". Eddie got that from his mother. His mother is from South Korea. This week’s greeter is Libby. The first day of the new greeter Ms. Sprague asks the greeter where it comes from then she points to it on the map of the world. This is how we do morning greeting in 3Sp.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Book Fair

Featured Blogger: Joey
The Book Fair is a fair that you go to buy books that you want. You can also buy posters that you think are interesting. They have numbers so you can say what number poster you want. The numbers on the posters went all the way up to number 25. Your teacher puts books in her slot so you can pick any from his or her slot. Then you can buy books for your teachers that they want and sign it and give it to them. During the Book Fair if you had library you would have to have library in your classroom. Also the Book Fair was open from Wednesday to Thursday and it closed at 8:00pm.  Obviously the Book Fair was held in the library. At the Book Fair there are also books on tables so you can see them, and there are books on the shelves so they look like they are advertised. There were long books for the 4th graders and short books for the kindergarteners and medium books for the 2nd graders. The Book Fair was fun and I got some really cool books!  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Travel Agency & Mystery Envelope

Featured Blogger: Brooke
So in class we are doing a travel agency project and we have a group and a planning sheet. Why we did the travel agency project is because we had an envelope and we had to open it when we knew all about the maps so we could understand everything. You would get to have a group of three or more and you would get to pick a poster or iPad. My group chose a poster and on the poster you would have a key and a map. You could either tape the map on the poster or draw the map on the poster. Another thing is on the planning sheet you would have a directions paper for your poster or iPad. You need to have a compass rose on your map so you know what direction you’re going. That’s how our groups made the travel agency project.

The envelope had green, pink, and yellow paper and a map of Lilja. You would have to trace the route on the map. You had to follow the steps on the color paper you got. Then you would follow the track you made and there would be sticky notes on the wall. Follow them and you would find the treasure. There were bags in the treasure with two pieces of candy, an eraser, and a maze puzzle. Finding the treasure was really fun!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Playing Soccer in Gym

Featured Blogger: Maria
This week we were doing soccer in gym. We played a game that we had partners. One partner had to jog with a soccer ball when the other partner was just just jogging. When Mr. DeMayo said stop, we  had  to find  our  partner and  whoever had the ball had  to  kick it  under their partner’s legs while the other  partner was opening their legs.  In another game we had  teams, like  defense and offense, but it was hard because we had 2 balls. These are only two of the games that I have explained, but were many more!

Reflex Math is Fun!

Featured Blogger: Felitcia
I love Reflex Math because it helps you get faster with your facts. Also it helps me! You can make a girl or a boy for your avatar and dress them when you have enough money. If you need help with your math, Reflex Math helps you! There are stores in the game, but when you first get it you just have 3 of them. One game is called “Ninja Star.” In this game you jump and get points! My favorite was when I got a green light. A green light is when you play it a lot. When we get a green light, Ms. Sprague gives a sticker to us.  That is why I like Reflex Math!

Perfect Personal Narratives

Featured Blogger: Libby

In writing we are making personal narratives. We have read a lot of personal narratives to get us ready for them. 1,2,3 no 4 personal narratives! We have written personal narratives about our feelings. On 10/21/15 we wrote about a time when we had a strong feeling. The book that inspired us to write about a time when we had a silly family story was Knucklehead. We also have written about a memory with a person. On 10/22/15 we talked about where and when to put paragraphs in our writing. Personal narratives, personal narratives, we love to write personal narratives!

Playground Changes

Featured Blogger: Jose
Our playground has new swings and also new poles that are red. I notice a lot of kids play on the swings. Also there are two big piles of wood chips near the swings. One of the swings is handicapped. Also there is a big dumpster on the basketball court. Why is the dumpster there, you ask? Because the gym got flooded so they tore up the floors and put in new floors. That's all the changes on the playground!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Class Jobs in 3Sp

Featured Blogger: Caleb
In 3Sp we voted on class jobs.Jobs are like assignments for helping the teacher.  For example, one of our jobs are VIP and VIP is line leader and gets to sit on a cool chair.  Another example is paper passer. When the teacher needs help passing out paper, the paper passers pass them out. A different example is recess basket. Recess basket brings out the recess basket when we go out to recess.  One more example is tech tackler, which is when you turn off and on the lights when we come and go from the classroom.  My favorite job I had so far is tech tackler because I love turning on and off the lights.  One of the jobs I think I will like is VIP because VIP gets to sit in a special chair and gets to be line leader.  The jobs in 3Sp are spectacular because we get to choose them!

How to Make a Personal Narrative!

Featured Blogger: Mark

3Sp is making personal narratives, and I'm showing you how to make on! First of all, you need to plan notes to make a book, but you need to make it so that it happened in your life. Then, you need to make a first draft. After you've finished that, you see if there's any other information needed. After that, you take all the notes and information so you can make a final draft and get ready to make a book. But you need to make sure you spelled everything correctly and used good grammar and used spaces. Then reread and make sure it makes sense, and make sure it's neat and made sure you didn't miss something. For example, uppercase letters and periods. Then reread one more time just in case. After that, you can read over and over again and see if you like it. So, this is how you make a personal narrative!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Word Study Assessments

Featured Blogger: Maddy

In the beginning of the year you will always take a spelling assessment. In second grade there are 50 words for you to learn. When you get in third grade you should know 35 words by the end of the year. After that you should learn 35 words also in fourth grade. I almost forgot! In first grade you will have 57 words to study. Usually the teacher will say a sentence and use the spelling word in it.  After you take the spelling assessment you will get it back a few days later.  If you get all of your spelling words right you will work on more challenging ones.  Everyone always does their best on spelling assessments!

Fun Maps!

Featured Blogger: Eddie
3Sp is making treasure maps that include a title, key, compass rose, and labels. We had 4 days to complete the map. And we made a map draft and a draft of the steps in two days.  Next we got a day to make a final draft of our map and steps.  Then we got a day to revise it, edit, and re-read it.  After that we shared our maps in social studies and we showed our map and explained what we liked about the map and then asked questions and compliments. Some of the maps were big, small, and some made out of clay! And some were real places and some were completely made up. Making the maps was FUN!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Getting Recorders

Featured Blogger: Evie

Welcome I'm Evie Geckle from 3Sp and this year the third graders will be playing different songs in music! When you get your recorders you can pick your own color. You can trade colors  when you get your recorders too! In music you will have a case that you can put your recorders in so you won't lose it.  Because all you have to find is the case and your recorder should be in the case unless you are playing music.  Also in music class the music teacher will teach you how to play songs during music class. In third grade the third graders get to do the multicultural assembly and some kids will be able to play their recorders.  Others will be in the show performing on the gym stage.  Don't forget the background too! Some kids will also be able to decorate the background of the play too. When you get your recorders you should not put food or water near your recorder because you could get food stuck in them and water would make them all slippery too. Also if you have a pet or a younger sibling then I would not let them take your recorder.

Close to 100

Featured Blogger: Cami
In 3Sp we have math at the end of the day. This week we have been playing a game called “Close to 100.” In “Close to 100,” we have 5 single digit cards. We have to take 2 different cards and we have to use them to make a 2 digit number. Say your hand was 5, 4, 0, 4, 3, you could take the cards 5 and 7 and make 57, then take 4 and 3 and make 43. In “Close to 100” we try to get as close to 100 as possible, as in this example you would actually get to 100! Sometimes you can't get to 100 at all; like: 1, 3, 8, 5, WILD. Here there is a WILD card and WILD cards mean: any number you want it to be! For example if you had 2, 3, 0, 7, WILD you would probably want to do 2 and 3 and make 23, then take 7 and WILD as 7 and make 77. If you do that, then you will get to 100! After you've taken your turn you have to record your turn on your recording sheet which is on SAB page number 39. SAB stands for Student Activity Book. In my opinion I think “Close to 100” is a fun-filled math game!

Reading "Bink & Gollie"

Featured Blogger: Nora
This year 3Sp read the whole series of Bink and Gollie. Ms. Sprague used different voices for the different characters. There are three chapters in a book and three books in a series. Bink is shorter than Gollie. In the third book Bink tries to get what she wants and Gollie is always helping her.  

Also Bink and Gollie want to start a collection, so they go to “Eccles Empire of Enchantment” to start a collection of gold star stickers. When they are there they see someone named Celeste Pascal covered her whole house in gold star stickers. Also Bink really likes pancakes. In the first book Bink gets a new pair of socks and Gollie does not like them. Also in the first book Bink and Gollie get a fish and they go on a roller skating adventure with Fred the fish. Bink trips and Fred the fish goes flying in the air. The bowl shattered in pieces. Gollie saves Fred the fish by running to the lake. Bink looks up and says, “What are you doing with my fish?”  “I’m saving him!” said Gollie. I loved the books because the chapters are really funny.

Making Folders in Art!

Featured Blogger: Sabrina

Hi I am Sabrina Torrijos and I am going to show you what we did in art!  In Art 3Sp made folders!First we wrote our name.This was our first draft. We were going to put our name on to the folders! After we wrote our name,we used pencils to design our names. Then we did our final draft for our names we copied our designs on to the folder! Then we colored our names in! After that we colored in the backgrounds of our folders and the art teacher said that we need to fill in all the blank spots in our folder. That was really hard for us because the paper was bigger than original paper because it was a folder.  After we finished coloring our folders, we erased the pencil marks that we used to color the background of our folders and we also erased our pencil marks that we traced our names with. It was hard work but 3Sp did it really well. Our  Art teacher told us that if we are done we could do 3D writing with our names. I thought 3Sp did an excellent job!

How to Make a Map

Featured Blogger: Sarah

Hi! I'm Sarah Golden. I will tell you how to make a map. First of all, there are over three kinds of maps: regular maps (you know, the paper ones like ones you get at amusement parks so you don't get lost), a 3-D map (like a model), and then you’ve got the GPS's. There are probably more maps but I'm telling you how to make only one of the maps. Well let's get started. Get a piece of paper (if you want it to look old, get tan paper); you can get any color but white is best. Now draw a rectangle box in the right corner of your paper and label the top "Key" or "Legend".  “What is that for?” you might say. Say that you want a to make a forest on your map, you would draw a forest sign instead of drawing 30 trees. In the Key you would draw a tree, and put an equal sign (=) next to it, and then write "forest". One tree will be a forest! Now that you’ve got the Key handled,you will make a compass rose. First draw a plus sign (+). It can go anywhere on the page. Draw an X through the middle of it, now draw a N at the top a E on your right, a W on your left, and an S on the bottom, a NE in between the N and E, a SE between S and E, a SW in between the S and W and now a NW between the N and W. You will also need a title, a scale and of course a place! Now all you have to do is make the places. I think you've got it, so Bye!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Say Hello to 3Sp!

September 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Featured Blogger: Kate

This week in school we had K-buddies. We made oceans with water paint and we did it so that we could remember each other.  We would trade pictures at the end of the year. If you had 2 K-buddies you would have to make 2 pictures and they would give you theirs. Some people put coral reefs in them while other people put animals in them OR they just made it blank. Everybody made beautiful pictures. So I think you should try to make one now.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Field Day in 3Sp!

Featured Blogger: Patrick

We arrived at school then we quickly got ready for our morning portfolio event. Next the parents came and then we presented  to our parents on Thursday. We did the same with our art portfolio. After we went out to start our field day event we started with running and stretching in the morning. Then we did the cup stacking and tire races and more. Then we took a short 5-minute break to get some water, go to the bathroom, or our tents for a little while. After, we did some more races like kangaroo hop  and a pillo polo stick game. Then we had lunch and recess, and some of us helped put things away from Field Day. After we had a few more races then we went straight to tug-of-war for 30 minutes. After, we had our water games like run with water and water balloon toss. Then all three of the tents flew into the woods! At the end of the day we got popsicles then we started to go in and then Mr. DeMayo gave us a ribbon as we walked out! Field Day was super fun!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Biography Unit!

Featured Blogger: Emma

The Biography Unit is here! Lately we have been collecting facts on a great changer of the Revolutionary War! You have a huge span of choices when it comes to our independence! We have also been choosing what we want to do when it comes to how we will present our knowledge soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field Day

Featured Blogger: Timothy
This week in gym 3Sp practiced field day relays.  Field day is when all the classes compete against each other in different activities. Our classes favorite activity is the tug-o-war. It is a lot of fun. We can't wait for field day. Parents are invited!

Friday, April 17, 2015


Featured Blogger: Natalia
A few weeks ago we planted seeds with our buddies.  We planted cilantro and basil.  We had to come up with a plan for which herb we wanted and how we were going to plant it and take care of it.  It was sort of hard to keep our buddies on task while we waited to plant our seeds.  

When it was our turn my buddy and I chose cilantro.  First we put dirt in a cup, and then planted our seeds.  Next we watered them.  Since then we’ve been checking on the plants and watering them.  Only some of them have started to grow.  One of them has three sprouts!  Eventually we will try to cook something with them.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

3rd Grade Multicultural Assembly

Featured Blogger: Calla
Tomorrow 3rd graders are starring in a multicultural assembly about a old Mexico story about a burro (donkey), a perro (dog), a gato (cat), and a gallo (chicken). There are 2 scenes. The people playing the animals in scene 1 are Mary Cate (burro), Maddie (perro), Hildi (gato), and Charlie R. (gallo). The people playing the animals in scene 2 are Timothy (burro), Taylor (perro), Brook (gato), and Lucas (gallo). I hope the assembly goes well!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The PARCC Test!

Featured Blogger: Brian
Last week and this week third graders took the PARCC test.  Here’s what PARCC testing mornings looks like: We come in in the morning and we do our morning routine (and it is a little bit hyper). Next we sit at our tables and do the PARCC testing after we log into our accounts.  There was multiple choice questions and essays. We also had tools which are answer eliminator, line reader, and ruler, but don't forget magnifier! The PARCC test was hard, but we pushed the limits and broke through!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Words of Word Study

Featured Blogger: Ella
Last week we started doing different sorts with words. Here is what our sorts were like.  

The first routine we did was a blind sort.  A blind sort is where we have half a piece of paper with words on it and we talk with our table members, and we try to find out what categories they fall into.

The second routine we did went something like this: we came in from recess, and got off all our snow gear. Then we sat down in a circle on the rug and watched as Mrs. Gyster and Ms. Sprague showed us how to do a partner sort and a beat the clock sort.

On day three of our different Word Study sorts, we did an individual sort.  Then we got it checked by either Mrs. Gyster or Ms. Sprague. Next we cut them out, and then we glued them into our Word Study Spelling Notebook.

So far this week we got assigned groups based on our spelling levels.  Then we got new words for our groups and did the same sorts throughout the week like we did last week.  I like the new routine of having Word Study in the afternoons everyday!

Apres PARCC Moving and Grooving!

Featured Blogger: Lucas
After our PARCC assessments our whole class had a Go Noodle movement break.  These helped us stretch our legs because we were sitting for a long time. Ms. Sprague chose a name out of the fishbowl  and the person whose name was picked got to choose the movement break! And there`s a little monster named Coach Terry that leads us in all the movement breaks. Also there`s a guy we’re upgrading named Bart Reynolds and we upgraded him today and he looks so weird.  Well I hope you enjoyed imagining what it would be like to be in a movement break!
P.S. Bart Reynolds’  mustache gets bigger and stronger every time we do a movement break : )

P.P.S. Apres means after in French.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Science Experiment with Buddies!

Featured Blogger: Sophia

On Friday March 13 3Sp had buddies and we did a science experiment on ice, snow and oobleck.  The ice and snow experiment was testing which was going to melt faster.  Snow, right?  No, actually the ice melted faster! The oobleck experiment was on what we noticed.  Right away a lot of people noticed that it was messy and it was! It is so fun to get to have buddies!