Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bowling in Gym!

Featured Blogger: Colin
Hi!  My name is Colin from 3Sp.  In Gym we learned about bowling.  First, we learned how to bowl.  Then, we got two pins, and partner.  My partner was my classmate, Sammy.  If you got two pins down you would get two points. Who ever got the most points won!
Then, we got to bowl with with an alley and ten pins. If you got ten pins down, you got a strike and two extra balls.  You use the extra balls to get more points.  The highest you can get in one turn is 20 points.  Whoever got the most points wins!  We did bowling in Gym for two weeks.  We (3Sp) have Gym two times a week.  The scoring is hard for some people, but not for me!

We worked so hard in this unit, and I hope you liked my blog!

Jump Roping!!

Featured Blogger: Fiona
Every Monday and Thursday when I have Gym, I run in and grab a jump rope. When everybody starts, we try to jump rope for 1 minute. After you do that, you move on to a different jump roping skill. I have done 8 different skills. Now I am on my 9th. It is alternating feet cross 5 times. Each skill gets harder every time.

After that we try out for the 100 club, 200 club and 300 club. What is that you ask? If you jump rope for 100 seconds without  a mistake then you write your name on the 100 chart. If you jump rope for 200 seconds without a mistake then you write your name on the 200 chart. If you jump rope for 300 seconds without a mistake then you write your name on the 300 chart. If you make the 300 club for a 2nd or a 3rd time you would put a star next to your name but only the 300 club not any other club. Once you make the 300 club 5 times then you can try out for the 500 club. If you make the 500 club enough you can try out for the 1,000 club which only 4 people in Lilja history have made!!!!!!!!!!! And Lilja has been around for 68 years!!!!!!!! That’s CRAZY!!!!!!! I hope you are into jump roping as much as I am now!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Dictionaries & Science Magic!

Featured Blogger: Serenity
WOW!  I come in for breakfast and I see a man come in with a lot of cool stuff!  Then I noticed that he brought a sign…  Then when it was class time I was so eager to tell all my friends about the assembly!  Then when the time came we walked in the cafeteria we sat down and then I told my friend “Told ya it was science magic!”  But first a change happened. We actually ended up facing the opposite direction.  So then they introduced us to two adults (men) and their names were Scott and Peter.  After they introduced us to Scott and Peter, Peter asked for all the teachers to come up and help him pass out dictionaries.  After that Peter made us look up stuff in the dictionaries.  Then we had to turn around and walk forwards then sit down.  
After we settled in the real science magic came. But then we saw a man with funny glasses and a funny nose and all of that was fake. And I knew it was because then he took it off.  So then he asked for an assistant but he asked for one that didn’t mind getting wet...So he picked someone and his name was Callum. So the guy that was doing science magic and he said his name was Science Magic.  So Mr. Science Magic took a plastic bag and three extremely sharp pencils and asked Callum to face the audience.  And he put the plastic bag over Callum and slid the three extremely sharp pencils and everybody’s eyes were closed squeezing tightly... but then nothing came out.  When that trick happened I thought it was real magic but there was a science explanation for it so then I thought Oh! No wonder why it’s called “Science Magic.”  
When he moved on to the next trick he got a cardboard with a flag I’ve never seen before.  Then he told us “look at this star.” So we looked at it and then he said “Now close your eyes.” Then he said “Now open them.” Then I knew at that moment he flipped it over and everybody said “WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!”  And I didn’t see anything. So he let us have a second chance.  Then I saw the funky flag I was telling you about earlier was actually FAKE!!!  It was just the opposite colors of the actual American flag!  And then when he flipped it over it would show the American flag!  
So then he put out some bottles with chemicals in them.  So he asked us “Which one should I pour this into-- this one or this into this one?” and everybody said “that one into that one!” So he poured two chemicals into the other and wala it turned pink. Then he poured the other chemical in and it turned back to clear white.  And he said “well the two chemicals I poured together make it pink and on the other hand the other one was water so it turned the pink one back to just old plain clear whiteness. “OoooHhhh I said to myself.”  Then when he put it away he got a styrofoam cup with water in it and then he said “okay now can I have an assistant that has the BIGGEST chance of getting WET?” Then Kylie raised her hand.  So Mr. Science Magic called on her.  And he asked her “put your finger inside and tell me if it is water or not?” Then Kylie put her finger inside and whispered “it’s water” then Mr. Science Magic said “say it to the crowd!” Then she yelled “IT’S WATER!!!” So the man said again “Now face the audience.” So she did and the man put something in it, waited for a couple of minutes, then he dumped it on Kylie’s head, and oops he had made a MISTAKE!!!  Because what was suppose to happen is he would dump it and nothing would come out but something did come out!  So he said confused “alright that wasn’t supposed to happen and it never did happen.” Then he said getting it now “OoooHhhh so this is what happened I poured too much water.” So he said very worried “well after the science magic she’ll have to go to the nurses office.”
Then when all of that was over he needed another assistant who could have another chance of getting wet.  So he picked another girl named May.  So May went up and he brought out a little platform. And the man asked May to put her hand on it to check for any gum, tape, or glue.  Then she said “there is no glue, tape, or gum.” So then he brought out a cup of something. Then asked May to (again) put her finger inside to check if it was water or not. So she did and she said “it is water,” even though it was dyed red.  So anyways he put the cup of water on the platform and there was ropes on the end forming on the top a pyramid.  So he put it on and he said “stand here please.” So she did and he swung it and swung it and swung it until he went all the way around with May squinting her eyes worried that she would get wet.  But she didn’t so he said “alright 3,2,1!” Then he flipped it again all the way through.  
When he moved on to the next trick he said “I want a teacher who won a very equisweet competition and her name is…...Ms. Sprague!” and that was our teacher!  So she went up and he brought out a tube and he put some baking soda and something that I couldn't see.  So he asked Ms. Sprague to blow into the tube as hard as she could!  But before that Mr. Science Magic put on her some safety goggles. Then she was about to blow as hard as she could until Mr. Science Magic stopped all the action and said “but do NOT blow UP the tube.” So she didn’t and she blew and BOOM fire came blasting out the can!  
The next trick he needed another assistant so he called on a boy named Brandon.  And he had to call on someone who can hit something with a bat really well.  So Brandon said he could do it.  So Mr. Science Magic had a can and on top of it was a big block and on top of that was another smaller block.  And on top of that was a ball.  So he asked Brandon to hit the ball gently but before that he said to the crowd “I want you all to think of what’s going to happen when Brandon hits this ball.” So I turned to one of my friends and I said “I think it’s going to drop in the can” and my partner said “Yeah! I think that too!”  So then finally Mr. Science Magic says “alright now can you share some of your suggestions with me.” So I raised my hand but he didn’t call on me unfortunately, but the person said what I and my partner thought.  And he said “alright does everybody think the same thing” and I had to say yes because I thought the same thing.  So Brandon hit the ball and guess what happened. It went into the can below!  
So he needed another assistant, he called on a girl named Caylee and she went up and he got out a big thick stick and on top of that was a big ball.  And then he said for her to step on a stool so she did and he also said for her to put her hands on the ball.  Then he plugged in a wire. After that it went on and something went through her arms.

Then Mr. Science Magic said it was time to wrap things up and what that meant is the science magic is over.  After a few minutes though we left, but everybody will still remember the awesome moments we had!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Sweet Treats

Featured Blogger: Zoey
It all began when we started Sweet Treats. The first thing we did is a pick a class to survey. Me and my partner picked KK a kindergarten class. We also had to pick a treat. Me and my partner picked ice cream other partners picked different things. And the flavors we picked were vanilla, mint and cookie dough. When we surveyed KK 4 people picked vanilla, 7 people mint, and 8 people picked cookie dough. 8 is the highest on the number line that me and my partner picked.  Other people picked higher numbers then us on the number line. When we were done with the grafs we could move on to the poster. On the poster we would pick out our best work to glue on.  Some people picked things like there drawings, writing and grafs. After a day or two we got to a make model. Me and my partner made a model of cookie dough tornado our treat.  It was hard but fun. When we finished we hung them up in the hallway!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Winter Party

Featured Blogger: Nora

In December we had a winter party.  It was one of the best winter parties ever!  One thing we did is make this cool type of lite.  Some people made snowflakes to put on it.  And some people colored with markers, crayons and colored pencils.   It was awesome!  We also made snowflakes out of pipe cleaners.  They were all different colors.  Everyone  had really colorful snowflakes.  And lastly we watched the magic school  bus.   It was the best day ever and the best winter party ever!!!

Mad Science

Featured Blogger: Molly

Hi I’m Molly and I’m going to tell you my experience with Mad Science.  So the man who talked to us was named Mr. Mad Science and he was cool.  We learned the science behind how things get stuck because of air.  We got to see dry ice as smoke and as foamy bubbles.  We got to see them mix chemicals and it made a loud sound and fire.  Also some kids came up and got to try blowing through a straw and making a ping pong ball hover. Then he did it with a leaf blower and a small ball.  I hope you see them perform!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Review Writing

Featured Blogger: Gabe
In 3Sp we had a review project and everyone had to type either a book, movie, food or restaurant review.  We all wrote our reviews with thought, effort and care.   I typed a restaurant review and I recommended swordfish from Samba.   I rated it 1000 out of 10!  We all had at least 3 very good reasons for our opinion.  I hope you liked my blog and thank you for reading it!