Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wampanoag Visit!

Featured Blogger: Sabrina

In 3Sp we had a Wampanoag man come and see us. His name was Phillip and he brought cool things to our classroom. The first thing that he showed us was animal skins with the fur. First he showed us a deer skin, skunk skin, and beaver skin. Do not worry the skunk skin is not stinky. Then we talked about bows and arrows.  Phillip had a bow made out of wood.  His arrows were made out of wood, feathers, and a type of rock.  Did you know that when they hunted with their bows and arrows they put special designs on the arrows so if the Wampanoags fired their arrows all at once they would know which arrow was theirs because of the special designs!  We learned lots of cool facts!  We also talked about how the Wampanoag tribe make dolls. The dolls were made out of a special type of plant!  It was the best visit ever!

Tale of Despereaux

Featured Blogger: Felitcia
The Tale of Despereaux is one of our favorite books! My teacher loves all of the Kate DiCamillo books. The Tale of Despereaux has 4 parts in it. In the book there is a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread. If you don't think this is interesting you will once you start reading it. The other reason I love the Tale of Despereaux because it says so many funny words and makes me laugh. One of my favorite moments is when Despereaux falls in love with the princess and then his brother finds out, but that’s not all. In the second part you find out some new interesting characters. In the third part there is a sad girl. In the fourth part she wants to be something. I can’t give away the ending!  Please get this book.  We love it!!!!

The Nutcracker

Featured Blogger: Sarah
On Thursday, December 17, 2015, my class went to The Nutcracker. Well actually all the third graders and fourth graders went. But anyway it wasn’t the one in Boston. It was the one in Natick. It was at Walnut Hill. One bus brought us back and forth. We were on the second bus. But let’s get back to the Nutcracker. The curtain looked really cool. It was a picture of a town near the sea. The picture looked like it was night. The moon glowed yellow.

But what you probably didn’t know is that a kid in my class was in the play. Her name is Evie. She played the little boy in purple. It was really fun to see her on stage. But one thing I did not like is that The Nutcracker is not really about the nutcracker. The Nutcracker was still fun though. The actors and actresses did really cool moves. One boy lifted up a girl. They also had very nice costumes. I would like to go again!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sound Experiments

Featured Blogger: Libby

In Science we are doing a Sound Unit. We have done A LOT of experiments. For instance on 12/17/15 we had a partner, and we were assigned a bag full of different things. We needed to drop all of the items on the floor of the hallway.  But there was a twist to it. You couldn't look at what the other person was going to drop, so you had to guess what it was. But the other person had a job too: it was to record your guess by writing a smiley face if they got it right. But if they got it wrong then you would write a frowny face. Then when both of you had a turn to guess we went back in the classroom and did the worksheet on the back. I learned that different things make different sounds. We have done a lot of sound experiments, and they have been really fun!

Penny Collection

Featured Blogger: Mark
Do you know how many pennies 3Sp can collect in 3 days? Well it is right here: we collected 1,732 pennies in 3 days! I’m in 3Sp, when you are in third grade you will do penny collection in math. Also, we beat the last third grade class who was in 3Sp! I hope you love the penny collection when you are in third grade like I do! It's so much fun because you get to do math in math class like, counting how many pennies there in all! Also, you get to learn math while you're bringing pennies! Your goal is to get 1,000 pennies as fast as you can, and you can even get more pennies like we did!  You don't have to bring in pennies, you can bring in different coins like we did!  We started the penny collection December 1, 2015 on a Tuesday and we are still collecting money right now! Also, you can beat the other classes like we did!

We decided to give the money to two organizations who help people who don't have a lot of money like we do. We are giving half of it to the Natick Rotary Club and half to the Natick Service Council. We made our next goal for the penny collection be 4,500 pennies! We now have 3,589 pennies, but we need 821 more pennies until we have 4,500. So, this is the penny collection!!! After you complete the penny collection project, you will be a real mathematician!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ball in the House

Featured Blogger: Nora
On Monday, December 7, 2015 the whole school had an all school assembly. The assembly was an a cappella group. They were really good! They sang “Uptown Funk” and other fun songs. They told us how to write songs and how to beatbox; that was really cool! Their music was awesome!  My favorite song was “Uptown Funk”. They sang a song that one of the men made with his son. It was called the “Boppy Milk Song.” The “Boppy Milk Song” was silly but also cool.  Then two people, one from 3rd grade and the other from 4th grade, went on stage.  They took the microphone and they showed us there beatboxing. It was good! Then they beat boxed together and it was even better than them alone. Then the five men answered 5 questions. Each one answered a question about music. Then they sang one last song before we left. I forget the song but I sure know it was a good one. There were two really surprising guys with a really high voice and one with a really low voice.  

“Now that was the best thing I ever saw,” I said as we walked out of the room. Make sure that you see them in a show... because if you don't you will be missing out on all the awesome songs I just told you about.  You will have to see them in a show to know if you like them. I think you will like them because they sing really good songs.

Learning Cursive

Featured Blogger: Evie
Welcome i’m Evie from 3Sp and this year third graders will be learning cursive! When the third graders got their cursive books in school 3Sp started with the lower case letters. The letters were h,l,e,f,b,k. Ms. Sprague taught us the four lines for cursive: the sky line, the plane line, the grass line, and last but not least the worm line.  After Ms.Sprague taught us that she showed us how to sky write. When you sky write you write in the air. Then we wrote our own letters and we kept doing the same thing over and over again. She said the letters we learn first will be loop letters and the letters h,e,l,f,b, are loop letters. Before we learned up and down letters, we took a break for a few days.  When we started up again we learned the first up and down letter. The letter was i.  We then learned the letters r,j, and p. Cursive is hard at first but after a while it gets easier. Soon third graders will be writing all in cursive but for that we have to learn how to connect the letters!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Lilja's New Gym Floor

Featured Blogger: Cami
 For the last 9 weeks, Lilja School has been taking gym classes outside because the gym has been closed. It has been closed because it was going to get a new and improved floor! The people who designed the floor are: Mr. DeMayo (the gym teacher), Mr. Tagliapietra, and Ms. Smith (the principal).  Now it is open and December 1st was our first time using the new gym! A new and extra thing that the American Flooring Company added is: Lilja Lion paws so we can process the bus line up a little bit better! They designed it very,very well, at least I think so. I think the gym is so, so cool!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Going to Plimoth Plantation

Featured Blogger: Jose
It was a 45 minute ride from Natick to Plimoth. When we got there we had snack in front of Plimoth Plantation, and we also split up into groups. Then we went inside and saw a tour of Plimoth Plantation. After that my group went to the craft center. Then we went to the English village and we saw Pilgrims. After that we went to the Wampanoag village and I saw a Wampanoag making boats out of wood. Then we went behind the entrance for Plimoth Plantation and ate lunch. Then we left. Maybe sometime you could go to Plimoth Plantation and see the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Featured Blogger: David
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had an AWESOME time eating food.  In 3SP we have been learning a lot about the first Thanksgiving and how the Mayflower crossed the ocean.  We also went to Plimoth Plantation with 3N and 3SH and of course 3SP!  We saw the Pilgrims and Wampanoag.

Another thing in 3SP that we did was read a lot about Pilgrims and Wampanoags. I learned a lot about how the first Thanksgiving went and how they hunted and survive.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Making Puzzle Pieces with KH Buddies

Featured Blogger: Nicholas
In 3Sp we got KH buddies and we get to do lots of fun stuff with them. Our teacher brought us to their classroom and paired us up with our buddy. The first time we met with our buddies we made a puzzle piece and we wrote our name in the middle of it.  Then we cut the puzzle piece out and we put a string around it so we could wear it.  Then we put them on so our buddy could know our name and so we could know our buddy’s name.  Then when we were done we read books to our buddies and they told us if they had read it already or if they hadn’t.  I like buddies because we get to a lot of activities with them and it’s fun to do a lot of stuff with them!