Featured Blogger: Kyle |
Hi I'm Kyle. My last blog was about the read a thon. This one is about making blue bot mats. And trust me this one is better than the read a thon blog. Ok let's get started!
It all started when Mr. S came, and taught us/3Sp how to code! Who is Mr. S? Well, he is a teacher who goes from school to school teaching kids how to code. He taught us how to code a little electronic mouse to move around something to get to the end of his track. Then he said, “I made these tracks, now it's your turn! What kind of mat will it be? Is it a game? Is it a list, when your in a mall and you need go from place to place in order?”
Other groups made arcades, and other cool stuff. Now you're probably wondering what kind of mat I made? I made a pokemon themed mat game. Now you're probably if you want to do it to. You will need these 5 things:
1. A coding mose small or big
2. Chart paper a big one
3. Art supplies: markers, crayons, etc.
4. Your mind \ amagination
5. A great team!
My team is Ema, Gabe and me (Kyle.) If you tried to do the coding mat I hoped you had fun!!! -Kyle