Featured Blogger: Nathaniel |
Hi I am Nathaniel and I am going to tell you about the movie “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” So first we had to be good to get the reward. The way we got the reward was we had complete compliment bingo. Also we had to fill out every single box in compliment bingo. Compliment bingo is a chart where we put the stickers that we earned. Now the way we got a sticker was one of the other teachers gave us a compliment or we got four out of four stars in music or art. Next we voted on what we thought our reward should be. The choices were extra recess, a lot of stem challenges, or a movie. Our class voted on the movie. Then on Wednesday we voted on what movie to watch. We ended up choosing the movie “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” It was the best movie in the world! Every kid in the class liked it! The movie was full of surprises when you were not suspecting it. The main characters were Charlie, Grampa Joe, and Willy Wonka. I would go to the movie theater and watch this movie. The movie is probably one of the best in the world. (It is also rated G.) So now remember to go to the movie theater and see that movie!