Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Multicultural Assembly Brazil

Featured Blogger: Sophie
This year at Lilja for the Multicultural Assembly we (the third graders) are doing a play from the book How Night Came From The Sea a folktale from Brazil.  How  Night Came From The Sea is about how night came from the sea.  This year we are going to have live scenery because this year we have the 3-4s.  The entire school learned a dance, a song, and made head bands.  Now I will tell you the story.
Long ago in Brazil there was only sun.  No moon, night, sunrise, or sunset.  In this time the great goddess Iemanja dwelt in the bottom of the sea with her daughter.  One day Lemanja’s daughter decided to marry one of the earth people.  So she left her underwater home. She met husband on the shore.  Her husband called her Ayomide . Ayomide loved her new home. She loved all the bright colors that they wore in their harvest festival.  After a couple of years Ayomide could not take all of the colors and the blazing sun.  Her eyes needed a rest. Her husband was sad that Ayomide wanted to go back to her mother's home.  So he called his most faithful servants to ask Lemanja to give them some night so his wife would be happy with him on land.  So they set out on there quest.  When the servants got to the palace of Lemanja they begged her to give them some night. But she warned them not to open the bag until they reached her daughter. So the servants started heading back. When they reached land they heard weird sounds. The first servant started to shake. The second servant said “Let us drop this bag of night and run away as fast as we can”. “Cowards” said the third. “I will open the bag of night and see what is making those sounds”. So he laid the bag on the ground and opened it. As soon as he opened the bag all the night creatures rushed out of the bag. It was a good thing Ayomide was waiting for their arrival when they opened the bag. When Ayomide spoke all the night spirits were calmed and there was a quiet darkness. Soon Ayomide fell asleep. When she awoke she felt very rested. Ayomide looked up and saw a glittering. Ayomide said  to the star “ Glittering star from now on you will be our sign that night is passing. You shall be called the morning star and you will announce the birth of each day. To a rooster standing next to her she said “You will be the watch man of the night. Your voice will warn us that light is coming”. She told the singing birds that they should sing their sweetest song to announce the dawn of each day. The End.

I hope you enjoyed the story! Bye!!!
This is a picture from the Multicultural Assembly.