Featured Blogger: Tess |
You might not know these restaurants, but soon you will! What I mean by “these restaurants” is that they weren't even built yet!
Hi! I’m Tess Lydia Berman and I’m going to tell you about my class’s math project!
We made our own… Drum Roll please! RESTAURANTS!!!!!!!!
I Know! It’s pretty awesome that we got to make our own restaurants!
I’m going to tell you the steps for making it! First, the groups come up with names for their restaurant. For example, my restaurant name was… MATT AND TESS’S PIZZA PARADISE! Our restaurant served only pizza!!! (And drinks of course!)
The second step of the project is the logo. My logo was a slice of pizza with peppers, hot peppers, pepperoni, and tomatoes!
The next step was to make a “Blueprint” of your restaurant. Then you get your builder report, and you use your “Blueprint” to help. You have to find out how many tables there are, how many chairs there are, the area and perimeter of the dining space, kitchen, and the whole restaurant! After that, you have to make your menu. How you do that is you type it, then you choose a font (“Arial,” “Shadows into Light,” etc.). Then you print it! After it’s printed, you draw little pictures to go with the food items, or drink items. Then your done with the menu!
Once you finish that, then you do your budget plan. The budget plan is when you figure out what the final cost for your food and restaurant is, what your final food cost is, and what your final drink cost is. Mine went into the… TEN THOUSANDS! Then we did our final report without the equations. Now we do our final, final, final step… the FINAL PROJECT! The choices were, a flyer for your restaurant, a slideshow for your restaurant, a green screen video for your restaurant, and a model magic model of your restaurant. I did the green screen video. My background was a fancy front door from the inside!
Then, we presented them!
Thanks for reading this! Bye bye!
Tess Lydia Berman (Blogger)
Partner For The Restaurant Project: Matthew O. (3Sp Student)
Help From: Ms. Sprague (Teacher)
Green Screen Video Filmer: Mrs. Lynch (Teacher)
This whole thing revolved around area and perimeter!
Here is the menu. |
Here is the final drawing of our restaurant. |