Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wampanoag vs. Pilgrims

Featured Blogger: Will
3Sp has been learning about the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims lives in the 1600s to the early 1700s. The arrival of the Pilgrims changed the lives of the Wampanoags FOREVER! (By the way that's in permanent marker. Get it? Forever=permanent)! When we finished the research on the packet (which only some of us have done) we went on Seesaw and we had a choice to either type and draw, type and take a picture of our packet, etc. When we were researching on the packets there were a bunch of different folders about stuff like clothing, food, etc. We also put up sticky notes up on the wall before our research on our packets. They had our questions on them. After we finished the research on our packets we put up another sticky note that had our answers on it!  Who do u like best: WAMPANOAG OR PILGRIMS?!?!?!

This is my Seesaw drawing and caption (above picture).

That is the end of…
Wampanoag VS. Pilgrims!!