Featured Blogger: Haily |
Hi I am Haily and I am going to tell you all about Readers Theater. The whole class was divided into four groups. Each group gets a script about the story they are reading. In my group I am reading How the Rhino Got Wrinkly Skin. Me and my group have characters. I am Storyteller 2. Tessa is Storyteller 1, Jessica is Parsee, Kian is a rhino, Angel is a snake, and Gavin is a mongoose. There are other stories like Why Mole Lives Underground, The Lion And The Rabbit and another story like Pecos Bill And Sluefoot Sue. Our assignments are to practice reading your part expressively and put more personality into it. After we practice our teacher said that we are going to present it to our kindergarten buddies. This will be very fun to read to our buddies soon.