Monday, June 13, 2016

Raven Cam

Featured Blogger: Brooke

For the past few weeks we have had a raven cam. A raven cam is something that has a camera and the camera watches the raven. The camera never dies because it is always plugged in. Also in the past few weeks we have watched the raven and when we watched the raven a few weeks later the baby ravens hatched. Now we have baby ravens in the nest and when that happened there was still one egg left. But the next time that we watched the raven all the eggs hatched. So now all 4 eggs are hatched. Also when we watch the raven it is always live because of the type of the camera.  Also Ms. Sprague’s mom has worked at Wellesley College,  where the raven center is located. Also when we watched the raven we saw the raven fly away and we saw the raven’s babies. Also we saw the ravens feed the baby ravens. That is why the raven left: to go get the food for the babies. That is what the raven cam is and what it does.  3Sp really enjoyed watching the raven cam!