Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Featured Blogger: Joey |
In May in class we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a read aloud book during snack time. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie finds a dollar on the road and buys a candy bar and gets a Golden Ticket. After that he goes home and says he got the golden ticket to his family and then the calendar says that he has to go to the chocolate factory tomorrow. Then tomorrow he meets at the gate of the factory and sees all of the other kids at the factory who also got the ticket. Then he goes inside the factory and he sees everything he could imagine in his head: chocolate lake, mint grass, and lollipops as trees. Then Augustus Gloop dove into the lake and got sucked through the pipe! Then they went into a room with all of these different pipes and a bunch of other stuff. Mr. Wonka said this is my inventing room. Then he started to make something in the pipes and then a little strip of gum came out and Violet Beauregard without asking took the gum and started chewing. Then she ate breakfast since the gum gave you breakfast lunch and dinner. Then she ate lunch and then her parents said this is a great day for the Beauregards. Then she ate dinner and she turned into a blueberry-a giant blueberry! Then they went to the nut room and they saw squirrels cracking open nuts, then Veruca salt said I want one daddy. The dad took out the money and he said how much money and then Mr. Wonka said there not for sale. After that Veruca went into the nut room and then the squirrels pinned her to the floor and then knocked her on her head and shoved her down the garbage shoot! Then they went into a glass elevator and then Mike Teevee said this buttons for me because the button said TV. After that they went whizzing off and then they got to a room and they put a huge chocolate bar in and Charlie said why does it have to be so big, just to travel through television then he said because they shrink. After that he said it takes a few minutes so you will have to be patient. Then he said there it is and then Mr. Wonka said take it then Charlie took it and then he said that is a great idea. Then Mike Teevee said do you think it would work on people? And he said sure. Then Mike Teevee pulled the lever and then he said I am going to be the first person to travel through television. Wee! Then he went through and appeared on the other television. Then his mother took him and put him in her husband's pocket then they went off. Then Mr. Wonka said let's go in the elevator then they went up and out of the factory and then they looked down. After that they saw all the kids. Then Mr. Wonka said I'm getting old Charlie and it's time I give you the factory. After that they made a hole in Charlie's house then Charlie said I'm going to move to the factory! Our class really enjoyed the book and we are excited to watch the movie. This is one of my favorite books of all time and I also like the movie.