Friday, May 13, 2016

Watering the Plants!

Featured Blogger: Jose
3Sp and the 3-4Q planted seeds and now we are taking turns watering the plants.  Also in about 2 or 1 week we are going to plant them in the Lilja garden.  Also we have a schedule so we know when we water the plants.  Another thing is we have to follow steps.   So here are the steps. First: we turn off the lights.  Second:  we water the plants but it has to be at a specific temperature.  The third step is: for the water to go beneath the plant. The final step is then you turn the light on for the top and the bottom. And that's how you water the plants.  We had so much fun planting the plants and we hope that you plant plants in your backyard!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Town Forest Walk

Featured Blogger: Libby
Last Friday we went on a town forest walk. We were supposed to bring a snack that we could put in our pockets. Finally we went outside and waited until the light turned green then we crossed the street. We walked until we reached the town forest. Then Ms. Norman said the rules.  Finally we set off into the forest. A few minutes later Ms. Norman walked up with a salamander in her hands. She said that Will had found a salamander under a log. After that we did some more exploring. A few minutes later we found a plant that had a white curly part at the end and was really soft at the end. After that Jose, Mark, and me lifted a rotten log and we looked for some animals. Jose thought he saw a snake and I yelled WE FOUND A SNAKE!!!! Everyone was like really? And Jose said “oh wait it's just a log whoops”. A few minutes later  Ms. Snow wanted us to draw a picture of our surroundings. I drew a picture of a tree nearby with me next to it. After around 5 minutes Ms. Snow said that it was time to go back to Lilja. On our way back I was thinking that was the best town forest walk EVER!!!!!     

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Dance

Featured Blogger: Caleb
In gym we were doing a really fun dance.  For the dance first, you get a partner and you line up  face to face.  Also the whole group will be doing it.  Next the first two people will slide down the column and back.  Next all of us will do the do-si-do.  The first two people run down the aisle and make an overhead bridge.  Everyone goes one spot closer to the starters and then it repeats.  And that is how it goes. So, in gym you might do this dance!!!

Wacky Wednesday

Featured Blogger: Jason

Wacky Wednesday was April 27, 2016.  And it was obviously Wednesday. I had a mohawk, inside out pants, a backwards shirt and different socks.  My friend Mark had a cap that he wore backwards and a sweatshirt he pretended it was hair.  Lots of other people had either nothing or a backwards sweatshirt.  I saw a few people with mohawks and people that had random things like my friend Cami.  She had a clown nose and pajamas.  My friend Joey had different shoes.  It was also my grandma’s birthday and Ms.Sprague’s mom’s birthday was also on Wacky Wednesday.  Ms.Sprague’s birthday was the day right after.  So funny right!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Multicultural Assembly!!

Featured Blogger: Lucas
My class prepared for the multicultural assembly (the biggest assembly of the year)!  There’s a performance every year about a country.  Last year the fourth graders did it about about Mexico and this year we had a play of The Parrot and the Merchant‍️‍.  I was a parrot dancer and so were my friends.  We did not have so much parts in the play because we only did one part...and it was dancing!  And for the rest of the play, the parrot dancers were sitting.  At the beginning of the play we played some songs on our recorders.  First we played “Hot Cross Buns” two times and we played “Gently Sleep” two times!  Then we played the song “Playing on a Snow Day”.  Then we sang “Noruz is Coming”!  I think we even sang “Playing on a Snow Day”.  At the end of the Multicultural Assembly everyone took off their masks and went back to their classrooms to learn, but my class went outside to have an awesome extra recess!