Friday, April 15, 2016


Featured Blogger: Evie

Welcome I’m Evie from 3Sp and this year third graders are learning about fractions!  In math class we had centers.  The centers were technology, cutting up cookies, teacher learning and the last one was making a fortune teller.  Another day we did a mini lesson on comparing fractions and seeing if 3/6 is equal to ½ on a number line.  At first I knew nothing about fractions and then I learned a lot by the end of the unit.  We made fraction sets and it help us in teacher learning when we were comparing the fractions!  Each center was very fun so I will tell you about each new one besides teacher learning because I already told you what we do in that one.  In technology you either did Reflex Math or TenMarks if you graduated from Reflex Math, or if you just do TenMarks because you don’t want to do Reflex Math.  In the cutting up cookies center we had a picture that had many hexagons on it and you had to find a way to fill up the hexagons with pattern blocks.  The last one was where you had to make a fortune teller and there were directions on a paper and one were it told you how to play it.  The last thing was in our homework packet there was a page where you had to put the fractions in order from largest to smallest and then you had to tell how you figured it out.  Got to go, bye!