Friday, February 27, 2015

PARCC Practice

Featured Blogger: Patrick
This year now we are taking PARCC instead of MCAS.  We did the practice PARCC this week and we did the reading on Tuesday and math on Thursday.  The time we had went by fast on the PARCC test. On the math test, it was like TenMarks.  The math PARCC practices test has 17 questions and the reading PARCC practice test has 13 questions that you have to answer within an hour. We did the PARCC test on an iPad from either the fourth graders or 3Sp.

The PARCC math test had questions like this: What is 320 rounded to the nearest hundred? Is it 300, 400, or 200? That was like one of our questions.  The PARCC reading test had questions like “read this story and answer these questions.”  Something all kids should remember is to try your hardest!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nonfiction Feature Article Publishing Party

Featured Blogger: Kate
In the publishing party 3Sp shared our Pilgrim, Wampanoag, and First Thanksgiving elaborated paragraphs.  We have a publishing party to share our final drafts at the end of each unit.  The unit was non fiction feature articles.  Here are some of the things we wrote for our feature articles. One is some of the clothes Pilgrims wore were a waistcoat and stockings.  Also, an example of a disease Pilgrims got was pneumonia, which is a serious lung infection. Did you know that four entire families died from diseases? Lots of kids shared fun and interesting facts.  Thanks for listening!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Book Projects

Featured Blogger: Connor
This week we had a special project to do on a book we read.  You could pick a powerpoint project, book in a box project, book timeline project, graphic chapter book project, main character book project, setting book project, scrapbook project, and board game book project.  Everyone worked really hard!  A lot of people did board games, which we got to play during indoor recess.  The presentations were awesome!  Some of them made me want to read the book that the person based their project on.  I hope next year we do a book project!

Our Week

Featured Blogger: James
This week I did a lot of playing in the snow on the snow-days. In school in 3Sp we did a lot of movement breaks. It was FUN! Two of the movement breaks we did were “Kitty Hi Five” and “Disco Brain.” This week for homework we did book projects and I did a comic book.  Listening to people share was interesting!  People made all sorts of cool projects, like games, mobiles, and comic books.  That was our fun filled week!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

GoNoodle Wiggle Breaks

Featured Blogger: Lucas
This week we had two really cool GoNoodle breakdown dances!  And if you don't know what GoNoodle is, it's a website where you can pick different activities to do.  Each activity gets your wiggles out.  Some of the videos we have done are "Run Like the Kitty Kitty," "Kitty High Five," and "Disco Brain."  "Run Like the Kitty Kitty" is a video of a cat running and we have to run with the kitty.  "Kitty High Five" is a video of a kitty high-fiving the air, your toes, your chair, the floor, and your teacher and your bro! "Disco Brain" is a video of a brain that dances and we have to copy its dance moves.  Ms. Sprague chooses our names out of the fish bowl to see who gets to pick the next GoNoodle activity.  The fish bowl is a little bucket with sticks, and on each stick our name is written.  I love GoNoodle because it's fun and you get to do a bunch of different movements!  I wonder what we will choose next...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Chinese Acrobat Assembly

Featured Blogger: Calla
Today we had a cultural arts assembly and we watched a Chinese acrobat.  Some kids helped her with acts and it was really cool to watch her!  I got picked to learn the ribbon dance.  It was interesting to learn it.  One of my favorite parts was when she did tricks on her bicycle.  I hope you liked learning about the assembly!

Home Run!

Featured Blogger: Gavin
This week in 3Sp we've been working on projects, aka book projects.  We have been working very hard!  Today, Patrick shared his Who Was Babe Ruth project.  It was a big baseball field and he made a game for it with cards.  It was almost like "Monopoly" and "Sorry."  Jonah, Calla, Ella, Lucinda, and Patrick got to play.  We didn't get to finish the game, but some people thought whoever was the closest to home plate would probably win.  We learned a lot of facts about the 1800's or 1900's when Babe Ruth was alive.  For example, they didn't have jersey numbers when Babe Ruth played baseball.  It was fun and exciting to watch Patrick play that game with his 3Sp teammates!  I hope people like my Timmy Failure book project which is almost just like that!