GoNoodle Wiggle Breaks
Featured Blogger: Lucas |
This week we had two really cool GoNoodle breakdown dances! And if you don't know what GoNoodle is, it's a website where you can pick different activities to do. Each activity gets your wiggles out. Some of the videos we have done are "Run Like the Kitty Kitty," "Kitty High Five," and "Disco Brain." "Run Like the Kitty Kitty" is a video of a cat running and we have to run with the kitty. "Kitty High Five" is a video of a kitty high-fiving the air, your toes, your chair, the floor, and your teacher and your bro! "Disco Brain" is a video of a brain that dances and we have to copy its dance moves. Ms. Sprague chooses our names out of the fish bowl to see who gets to pick the next GoNoodle activity. The fish bowl is a little bucket with sticks, and on each stick our name is written. I love GoNoodle because it's fun and you get to do a bunch of different movements! I wonder what we will choose next...