Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fun Freckle!

Featured Blogger: Savanah
Hi my name is Savanah. We use Freckle in our classroom. It's a fun tool we use for
Math. You can use it on iPads, Chromebooks and more. We use Freckle on Chromebooks, but you don’t have to. When you use Freckle you earn coins then you get to go to the Piggy Store! When you go to the Piggy Store you are timed. You can only be in the Piggy Store for 2 mins. 

Before you go to the Piggy Store, you have to do assignments. Then you get to set a goal for the week! Once you finish your goal you get piggy coins! You also get to choose how much time you do your goal for, then you get piggy coins! You also get to practice and choose what you practice. You can do fact practice or adaptive practice. Freckle is so so so so so much fun! That's it for today!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Friday Free Time

Featured Blogger: Rhea
Hi my name is Rhea, and I will be talking about Friday free time in 3Sp. So first of all I’m going to tell you how we earn it. And yes we have to earn it. And now you may be wondering how we might earn it. And how we earn it is by doing good deeds. Each good thing we do through out the week. One minute gets added to Friday free time, or more  it actually only matters what good thing we do. We also sometimes get a mitute added if we transition quickly. But if we don’t follow directions then we have to minus points from Friday free time. We always have Friday free time after recess. And if we earn more than 40 minutes, than we get some Friday free time before lunch and recess. After recess we get to vote if we want all inside or all out side or half and half.

Thank you for reading my blog!

By me!

Monday, October 21, 2019


Featured Blogger: Riley
Hi my name is Riley. My class resentelly got recorders. Every third grade class gets them. They get shipt to Lija third graders. These 7 note insterments are really fun to learn.  Third graders learn the recorders. 4th graders learn the ukulele. Hot Crose Buns is a really good beginning song for the recorders. They come in red, blue, green and white. Hope you liked my blog!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Reflex Math

Featured Blogger: Hayden
Hi I am Hayden and I am going to tell you about Reflex.  In Reflex you practice your math skills. Right when you get in Reflex you do a bunch of games to warm up.  Then you do Coach Penny’s picture puzzle. Then you get to play a math game.  There is a new game called Squirrel World it just came out. It sounds really fun. You are probably wondering how you get a game?  Well there is a sign that will say unlock game. I hope you go and play Reflex because it is so much fun!


Featured Blogger: Leah
Hi my name is Leah. I am pretty good at multiplication and division. But not as good as an adult. We have been doing Freckle and Reflex. Freckle is a new app for math. It is super fun. I love it so much! We have only been doing it for 3 weeks! And I am already so good at multiplication. But I need to work on division. Do you know multiplication and division?  I am shaur you do. I mean practice makes perfect right? But if you do not then practice and you will get better and better at it. If you keep trying you will reach your GOAL!!!!

By Leah Mullen!!!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fantastic Mr. Pickles

Featured Blogger: Zinnia
Hi, my name is Zinny. It’s been three and a half weeks since we got our pet fish Mr. Pickles! Since then Leah and Quentin have been feeding the fish and have been doing a great job! Our pet fish Mr. Pickles is very healthy maybe even to healthy! I wish someday I could do a job like that. I think that he’s learning with the rest of us! He is one of my favorite pets!

Monday, October 7, 2019


Featured Blogger: Kendall
My name is Kendall and if you have not read Frindle you must read Frindle right now.
It’s about a boy called  Nick Allen who makes a word called frindle and it goes all around the world.  And he can't stop it. Frindle means pen. He has a teacher Mr.’ Granger that always has her eyes on full power.  Nick Allen is a trouble maker if you do not know by now. You will have to read the book to find out the rest. If you read the book I hope you like it!

Love Kendall !!! 

Friday, October 4, 2019


Featured Blogger: Sam B.

Hi my name is Samuel and my class started a new unit in cursive.  We started just yesterday and we learned how to spell the letter L in cursive.   I was proud of myself. But before we just go off and learn every letter in cursive we have to do it in order ok.  But I’m nice so I will tell you the order. So first we have to learn the loop letters. The loop letters are the letters with loops in them like L and H and E.  So once we learn all of the loop letters we will still have a lot more to go. Here are some of the groups of letters we have to learn. The loop letters, up and down letters, and the hump letters.  Oh and I’m just starting there’s a whole lot more to learn. Thank you for reading my blog!