Featured Blogger: Marley |
Hi. Wanna have some conversation or something? Oh, wait… I forgot what I’m here for! Right! I’m Marley, and just a few days ago, me and my class were visited by a Wampanoag man named Phillip! It was super fun. We even learned some native American words! Some of the words were just everyday words that we use normally, like moose, chipmunk, skunk, and pumpkin. But some were different, like, Que, which means hey or ‘sup, and there’s also wanee qeesak, which means it is good sky. He also told us about some of the funny things that the settlers did when they came. For example, he told us that when the settlers saw the skunk, they thought it was the land’s cat! And, when the settlers saw the moose, they said, “Oh. What a strange cow.” He also showed us some animal skins. I can’t say which one was my favorite, but I really liked skunk (de-stinkified) and beaver. Hopefully you liked my blog, my name’s Marley, if you’ve forgotten my name, and, well, thanks for reading!

We took some pictures showing Philip showing us some different Wampanoag items.