Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Going to Plimoth Plantation

Featured Blogger: Enzo
At Plimoth Plantation they split you into groups. Some groups go in the Pilgrim village and the others go in the Wampanoag village.  First everybody had lunch then we watched a short movie about the pilgrims and the Wampanoags. It was good.  After that we got started in the Pilgrim village the houses looked good. One house had someone cooking in it.
One person had a gun and a sword. A lot of people were crowding around him. One house had a pen.  The pen had a ram and a goat. The Pilgrims had a hard bed. Their was one room in the hole house entire house.  It was called the keeping room.
The Pilgrim children played with kites, marbles, hide and seek and leap frog and keepaway. The boys went fishing and gathering wood and farming. The girls did farming, keeping birds away from the crops, cooking, and making clothes. The kids manners were they had to leave their hat on their head, they can not speak until an adult speaks, they eat with their hands only, and they were not allowed to sit while eating-only standing.
Their houses were made out of wooden planks, cement for the ceiling, and the windows were wax paper. They had fancy plates, they had a fire place, and some houses had a upstares to hold food and water and other stuff.
In the Wampanoag village they cut down trees to make canoes. And this is how they  make canoes. First the wampanoags cut down trees then they make a fire on the wood to make it hollow then they put clay on the part they don't want to burn. It takes about 24 hours to burn and then you have a canoe.
You can find these items in a wetu. A pot, bed, bench, animal fur and a fire. A wetu is made out of wood and straw. A longhouse is a big house that has fur on the wall to keep it warm inside the house. The baby’s lay on a wooden crate. I bet you that wouldn't feel good at all. The women cooked the food. And the boys hunt animals for breakfast snacks and lunch and dinner. The Wampanoags got to eat whatever they want to eat and when ever they want to eat.
The women made dolls for the girls to play with as a toy. The men made toy canoes for the boys to play with. The Wampanoags believed in a giant named Mashup. He ripped trees and stepped on stones to walk across rivers. We saw a person trying to make a headband for her son but it turned out to be a necklace.
Everyone loved Plimoth Plantation!