Reader's Theatre with K Buddies
Featured Blogger: Brooke |
This week we have been practicing reader theatre with our groups. There are 5 different groups. There is one big group and the rest are small groups. We also performed to our class before we performed to our K buddies. We also made props before we performed to our K buddies. Then we practiced to our group and our group read their part. Also I was in the group The Lion and the Rabbit. The other groups were called Why Mole Lives Underground also The Grass is Always Greener. Also How the Rhino Got Wrinkly Skin and Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. Also when we performed we said where it took place and what genre it was. For an example The Lion and the Rabbit took place in a jungle and it was a fable. The reason we did this was because we wanted get better for reading fluently. So also we wanted to perform to our kindergarten buddies! Our kindergarten buddies liked our play and we had fun doing it!