Featured Blogger: Joey |
The thermometer is the new feature in the classroom and I personally think that it is the best feature in the classroom. The thermometer is really big! One of the reasons I think it’s the best is it tells the temperature and I like temperature. It says the temperature is a little off because it is a little bit outside and a little bit inside. This is a little annoying because I want to know the real temperature. We also record the temperature on a temperature chart. We check the temperature every Wednesday and write it down on the chart. So far it has been lower than 50°F, the highest temperature there has been is 46°F, and the lowest it has been is 15°F. There's a meteorologist in the classroom and we pick a new one every week. Last week it was 21°F. It can also show negatives and it can show Celsius too! The lowest it can go is -40°F and the highest it can go is 120°F. It’s never gone that high or low but it might some time. I like Celsius and Fahrenheit, but I like Fahrenheit better. These are all of the reasons why you should get a thermometer!